FeLInE FiNeSSe DAnCe ComPanY
Since 2016, we have been building connections and collaborating within the Bayview-Hunters Point community. Three major collaborations have evolved thru A. Phillip Randolph Institute - San Francisco Chapter; SF Rec & Park - Heron's Head Park Eco Center; The City Eats SF; SF Parks Alliance and El Nino Training Center.
We have been blessed to have the opportunity to volunteer with The City Eats for the past 4 years - distributing food, hygiene kits, and socks to homeless and under-served individuals within the Tenderloin District.
Since late 2017, our connection with APRISF has grown into such a loving, familiar bond. Not only are we grateful for their fiscal sponsorship, but for all of the opportunities and extended connections as well. From marching in solidarity on MLK Day to working overtime to make sure every minority is counted, we all truly appreciate the work and support of this organization.
For the past year (almost two), our finesse queens have had the opportunity to work with some of the most renowned MMA trainers/athletes in Northern California. Specializing in areas of fitness training, mixed-martial arts, jui jitsu, self-defense, and fight fitness.
Our connection with the SF Rec & Park facility - The Eco Center at Heron's Head Park has been evolving for the past, almost two seasons. What started out as a wonderful opportunity to activate the space, quickly evolved into levels of community stewardship, youth program opportunities thru Greenagers, and access to adopt and build our own garden. Our young queens have not only graduated from their program, but also dedicate one Saturday morning each month to give back the love into the soil.
The A. Philip Randolph Institute San Francisco is an Local Business Enterprise (LBE) certified as a Non-Profit organization by the City & County of San Francisco General Services Agency's Contract Monitoring Division.
- Local Hiring and Fair Minimum Wage
- Workers' Rights
- Worker Health and Safety Protections
- Access to Education, Career Development and Training Programs
- Access to Universal, Affordable Healthcare
- Decent Living Standards For All
- Civil Rights For All
The City Eats is a non-profit organization dedicated to unifying the community through the purpose of eradicating hunger amongst the inner city homeless population.
The EcoCenter at Heron’s Head Park is a unique treasure in the Bayview Hunter’s Point Community. It is a space for environmental education, workshops, assembly and place where youth, families and community can gather and engage with nature. The EcoCenter facility was designed to be a classroom and serve as a model of green building technology. It is an off-the-grid facility with its own solar energy system including a living roof, sustainable building materials, on-site wastewater treatment and rainwater harvesting and reuse systems.
El Niño Training Center is a top premiere training and fitness facility in mixed martial arts. We cater to all levels whether new to the sport or training for a professional competition. Our style is constantly evolving based on practices founded in: American & Braziilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Boxing – and optimized by Athletic Performance Training and Sports Medicine.